Monday, August 20, 2012


Do you have two arms?  You are blessed.  A friend of mine lost one of his arms today.  Can you take care of your children?  You are blessed.  A friend of mine can't do that on her own right now.  Do you have a loving spouse?  You are blessed.  A friend of mine is alone tonight and every night.  Do you have children?  You are blessed.  A friend of mine has never and will never have that experience.  Do you have a sound mind?  You are blessed.  A friend of mine is loosing her's.

I read this question somewhere recently and it stopped me in my tracks.  What if tomorrow you awoke to find  ONLY the blessings you had thanked God for today?

WOW!!  What would you still have?  What would you have lost?

So often we are so wrapped up in our own petty troubles and stresses (usually self inflicted)  that we don't recognize how blessed we are. I want to take a step away from my self-absorbed existence and look....really my blessings.  And then I want to thank a wondrous God who would condescend to bless a person as dreadful as I am.  I AM WONDROUSLY, AMAZINGLY, BREATHTAKINGLY BLESSED BY MY LOVING, BEAUTIFUL, MERCIFUL GOD.